Embrace Grace

This group provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for single, young pregnant women who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy. The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower the church to be a safe and nonjudgmental place for these young women to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed because of shame and guilt. It is a 12-week program that teaches them about God's love and grace, and at the end we will give them a baby shower to honor them for
choosing life and to help provide for their baby’s needs.

Has your life been impacted by a surprise prengancy?

You are not alone. When you join an Embrace Grace group you will:
1. Find friendship within a loving community.
2. Receive practical support and a free baby shower.
3. Gain life-changing skills that will help you find your passion.

The Embrace Grace group meets at Green Acres Baptist Church on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30p beginning June 11.

If you'd like to join the group you can email Laura Benson at laurab@gabc.org.

Would you like to serve the Embrace Grace group?

We need your help! Would you prayerfully consider coming along side us as we launch this ministry and serve weekly in the group meetings, or consider serving at the events that are a part of this program? There are several ways you can help serve these women:
- Show up at the group meetings each week to walk alongside and offer support.
- Help host events like the baby shower.
- Help by shopping for items these moms need.

If you'd like to get involved in helping, or get more information, you can email Laura Benson at laurab@gabc.org.


Laura Benson

Women's Ministry MOMS Coordinator

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