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Spring Bible Study
Join us this Spring to dive into God's Word with other women! We have groups that will meet Tuesday morning, Tuesday evening, Wednesday evening, and Sunday evening!
Spring Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Tuesday morning Bible study will be offered on Tuesdays starting January 28 from 9:30-11:30am.
Fully Devoted
Not every believer in Christ is a true disciple. Though salvation is a gift from God, being a disciple of Jesus includes a radical willingness to give Him everything. This powerful, 8-session study will take you on a journey through Jesus’s invitation to come to Him as you are, trust Him with your faith, surrender to Him with your heart, follow Him with your life, and then intentionally make disciples of others. Lighthouse 361
This study is written by Alex & Stephen Kendrick and taught by Debbie Stuart.
You can purchase your workbook here.
*This study is also available online. To register for the online group click the link below. To register for the morning group, scroll to the top!

Precept: Romans
All have sinned. There is none righteous. We are declared righteous by God only by faith in the blood of His Son. Romans 1 – 5 explains the foundational doctrines of our faith – original sin, justification, redemption, and propitiation. Gain an excellent grasp of the doctrine of salvation! Lighthouse 360
Books will be available for purchase on the first day of class.
This class is taught by George Squibb.

Bible Journaling- As For Me part 2
From songs of praise to cries of lament and everything in between, the book of Psalms captures the emotions of life. In this Bible study, Adrienne Camp shows how the psalmists paint a beautiful picture of a relationship with God that says, “As for me, I will worship and serve the Lord no matter what.”
This Spring we will continue our study of As For Me by digging into the second half of the Study Guide. If you did not join us for the first half of the study this past Fall, no worries. You can jump right into the second half with no problem.
To go along with the Biblical applications of the study, we will use journaling, art and music to enhance our study.
If you did not join us for the Fall Session, you can purchase your book here. You also have the option to purchase the book, NIV Beautiful Word Bible Journal – Psalms from Kelly on the first day of class. This journal is for your artwork. However, you can always complete the art in your own journal or Bible. There will be a small supply fee payable on the first day of class.
This Bible Journaling class will be taught by Kelly Smith.
Lighthouse 362
Jesus & Women
Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Over 7 sessions, examine the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel your worship of Him today.
Lighthouse 370
This study is written by Kristi McLelland and taught by Leslie Bowers.
*This study is also available online. To register for the online group click the link below. To register for the morning group, scroll to the top!
You can purchase your book here.

Secrets Jesus Shared
The disciples weren’t the only ones who needed help understanding the parables Jesus told. Believers today often need some clarification. Using this six-week interactive Bible study from trusted author and speaker Jennifer Kennedy Dean, you can explore the secrets of the kingdom of God as revealed in the parables Jesus shared. The study, with five daily lessons for each of six weeks, will help you understand what the kingdom of God is and how to release its power in your life.
Lighthouse 375
This study is written by Jennifer Kennedy Dean and taught by Becky Harris.
You can purchase your book here.
1 & 2 Peter
Come study the epistles of a simple fisherman who followed Jesus and was transformed into a bold preacher of the gospel. Peter’s first epistle encourages suffering believers toward holiness and assurance of future glory. In his second epistle, Peter emphasizes the importance of knowing God’s truth in a culture permeated by false teaching. He encourages believers to be steadfast and holy, while awaiting Jesus’ return and the day of the Lord. Join us for this is a 8-week study that includes personal lessons, group discussion, and teaching by Jan Burkhart.
Lighthouse 371
*This study is also available online. To register for the online group click the link below. To register for the morning group, scroll to the top!
Spring Tuesday Evening Bible Study
Tuesday evening Bible study will be offered on Tuesdays starting January 28, from 6:30-8pm.

Fully Devoted
Not every believer in Christ is a true disciple. Though salvation is a gift from God, being a disciple of Jesus includes a radical willingness to give Him everything. This powerful, 8-session study will take you on a journey through Jesus’s invitation to come to Him as you are, trust Him with your faith, surrender to Him with your heart, follow Him with your life, and then intentionally make disciples of others. Lighthouse 361
This study is written by Alex & Stephen Kendrick and taught by Debbie Stuart.
You can purchase your workbook here.
Spring Wednesday Evening Bible Study
Wednesday evening Bible study will be offered on Wednesdays. Bible recap starts January 15 and Unshakable starts January 29.

The Bible Recap
Join others who want to know God better and read His Word with The Bible Recap Discussion Guide. Specially written to spark meaningful conversations, it follows the same chronological reading plan as The Bible Recap podcast and book.These questions will lead you to a deeper understanding of the Bible’s narrative and how God’s character is revealed throughout Scripture. Together you’ll find that He’s where the joy is!
Begins January 15, Lighthouse 373 6-7:00pm
Led by Taylor Gibson, Sarah-Clare Frank and Brynn Sultz.

Unshakable: A Study of Identity
Your identity is one of the most important things you can discover. How you see your identity will affect your perspective on relationships, the world, your purpose, your behavior, and so much more. While there aren’t any quick fix answers, the Bible provides the framework with which you can develop your identity as a Christian. In Unshakable, A Study of Identity, Part Four, we answer the question now what? How does God call us to function in the world? If our identity doesn’t inform our day-to-day lives, how we interact with those around us, and how we handle challenges, is it really our identity? Fortunately, the Bible explores these questions.
As we walk through chapters in Ephesians and Daniel, we will look at the writing of Paul and a group of friends in the Old Testament who were a great example of staying true to their Identity.
Lighthouse 371 6-7:30pm.
This study is taught by Stacy Davis.
Spring Sunday Evening Bible Study
Sunday evening Bible study will be offered on Sundays starting February 2, 5:30-7pm.

Fully Devoted
Not every believer in Christ is a true disciple. Though salvation is a gift from God, being a disciple of Jesus includes a radical willingness to give Him everything. This powerful, 8-session study will take you on a journey through Jesus’s invitation to come to Him as you are, trust Him with your faith, surrender to Him with your heart, follow Him with your life, and then intentionally make disciples of others. Lighthouse 361
This study is written by Alex & Stephen Kendrick and taught by Deborah Loper.
You can purchase your workbook here.
NEW! Neighborhood Bible Study
We have just launched neighborhood Bible Study and would love for you to be apart! You can sign up for the study you're interested in by contacting the study leader using the contact information below. If you're interested in leading a neighborhood Bible Study, please email Debbie Stuart at debbies@gabc.org for more information!